Planning Application Charges
Application charges for the householder
The cost for applying for an extension or alterations to your home or in your site boundary - £206
To discharge planning conditions that came as part of the planning approval, which is usually a requirement prior to construction starting, the charge is made per application rather than per condition - £34
Applying for a Lawful Development Certificate gives you documentation to show your proposals comply with Permitted development. There are three types and the costs have increased on July 31st 2014
Existing use in breach of a planning condition - £206 (same as planning application)
Existing Lawful use application not to comply with a particular condition - £234
Proposed use - £103 (half fee of planning application)
An application for removal or variation of a condition following approval of planning conditions - £206
An application to replace an extant / out of date planning permission - £57
Request to confirm if a planning condition has been approved - £34
Prior approval for a Larger Homes Extension where new permitted development rights which came into force on May 30th 2013, allow for single storey extensions larger than they have been before, and neighbouring properties will be consulted. The main changes are that a single storey rear extension has increased from 3m to 6m on a semi-detached / attached property and from 4m to 8m on a detached property - £96
For further information please refer to this link Planning application fees